Cummings Point/ Morris Island

Project Description

This property owned by the City of Charleston is historically known as Cummings Point. It encompasses 118 acres on the northern tip of Morris island, at the southern edge of Charleston Harbor. Morris Island contains significant Spartina marshlands, maritime salt shrub thicket, maritime forest, and open beach. The first shots of the Civil War were fired from this property. The first official African-American unit in the United States armed forces fought on Cummings Point where many died and their remains still lie buried in unmarked graves.

Project Amenities

  • Passive greenspace area for the enjoyment of nature/wildlife observation
  • Active area for outdoor access and recreation
  • Preservation of historic and cultural property
  • Protection of scenic landscapes

*Please note: This property is only accessible by boat.

Contact Information

For more information, please contact the City of Charleston's Recreation Dept. at 843-724-7321 or visit:

Charleston County Council awarded the City of Charleston $263,530 in Greenbelt Program funding to purchase this property for public use.